World Weather Temperature and Climate Change

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

A Threat to Global Security

The world is a global village. It has an environment with many disasters. Human beings are the members of this globe. They want to have their suitable, natural and happy extended here in the global world.


Trees are useful and beautiful gift of nature. Forests help in maintaining the ecological balance which is so essential for preservation of life on this earth. Existence of on the earth, therefore, depends on forests.

Sound Pollution-The New Enemy of Mankind

Pollution is a major threat to our modern civilization. Like many other pollution, sound pollution is also endangering our living and environment. Sound is a kind of energy which man has applied into various fields of everyday life with success. But in the process, the chances of sound pollution have also taken a great leap. Quietness is natural and highly necessary for a peaceful living. Nowadays quietness of life has been supplanted by loud sounds.

Air Pollution

Air is one of the five elements of our environment, another namely earth, water, fire and ether. It is a natural gift and a free asset. For breathing all living beings and biological organism require pure air for breathing. No biological organisms can live and thrive without it. Air contains some gases like nitrogen, oxygen, carbon-di-oxide, carbon mono-oxide, ozone and other gases. Only oxygen is the vital need for human survival and also for animal’s life.

Pollution and Mankind

Any abnormal change in chemical, physical and biological characteristics of environment is called pollution. The bio-sphere and the ecosystem are self-sustaining. Nature maintains a balance in land, water, air and all the living organisms in the world.

Environment Protection

Environment consist air, water, earth, flora, fauna, human beings, their activities, tree and plants. Environment sustains and supports our life. All the elements of environment are life supporting. Hence arises the question of protection of our environment. Environment is a very complex and comprehensive phenomenon. Minerals, climate, geography, geology etc. are its integral parts.

Urban Pollution

Urban pollution is a bane for urban society or life. All sorts of pollution like air pollution, water pollution, sound pollution, noise pollution, food pollution have been adversely affecting the city dwellers. 
Sources of pollution: The sources or origins of urban pollution are described in short details-